Take Advantage and Step to the Future
CodeLess Platform Features
that Change the Game

One Language, One CodeBase, Technology Independent
Codeless Platform will help you in every step in the process of creating your business application. From creating application project files, designing the data model, generating JPA, visually building complex forms to the data seeding to populate a database with an initial set of data.
Single Page App and Progressive Web App by default
Codeless Platform applications are Single Page Applications (SPA) and Progressive Web Applications (PWA) by default. Applications are not only responsive but also adaptive. Adaptive means that UI automatically changes not only in the size of images or order of fields, it means that behavior of UI changes depending on screen size including position and behavior of application menu, toolbars, action lists, filters etc.
Persistence layer is optimized by default
All select queries are generated automatically with various optimizations applied to get only the data you need as fast as possible.
- M2O and O2O relations are fetched with joins in a single query.
- Inner joins are automatically used where possible.
- Only the data needed to be presented to an end-user will be fetched.
- Child forms are instantiated and fetching the data lazily only when needed
You can customize the Platform in every possible way like:
- write your custom fields or wrap external ones and use them in Form Designer
- customize templates used for HTML and DDL generation
- write your version of the JPA generator
- plug-in your version of the workspace
As the platform is completely open (for paid subscriptions) and you can get complete sources, you can customize or extend the platform without any limitations. Tools are not desktop applications or IDE plugins that would probably be very hard to customize or extend. Tools are web applications written in Codeless Platform, in other words:
Codeless Platform is built with Codeless Platform
One language for everything
With Codeless Platform, you can build your web application with the same language already running in your persistence and business layer. Your UI code lives in the JVM and you can use all your favorite tools and libraries in a static type manner. Modern browser technologies allow you to deliver progressive web applications on all devices, from mobile to tablet and desktop, with a single code base. By writing and maintaining only one application, you can deliver more value to your users faster.
Not a simple generator
Codeless Platform does not generate any CRUD screens, DTO classes, REST service, Repository or Service layer classes because you don’t need them. You don’t need to think about requests, responses and filter chains. Your applications run on the server and handle all communication automatically and securely. The UI lives in the same environment as your data and business logic, so there is no need to expose REST services or come up with other ways to move data to the browser.
Codeless Platform can cache forms, translation strings, application menus, security roles and permissions. On every change of cached item, a cache is updated accordingly. You can clear the cache any time you want or disable the caching completely. Ehcache (https://www.ehcache.org/) is used by default but you can also plug in any other type of cache provider. You can simply extend what is cached so you can use the same caching technique for your data.
Discover more about Caching
Multi Tenancy
Codeless Platform supports Single Database architecture where all tenants are stored in a single database (and single schema). Tenant data isolation is achieved by using PostgreSQL RLS (Row Level Security). In Codeless Platform application code is 100% multi-tenancy unaware. Your code is exactly the same for single and multi-tenancy. No need to use any special tenant API. No need to add any annotation on JPA classes. No need to force JPA classes to implement any tenant-specific interface. No need to write any Hibernate filter.
No lock-in to any particular tools or libraries. No commercial or closed source dependency
You don’t need to install any desktop application, particular IDE or browser plug-in. You can use your favorite IDE on your preferred OS. Most of the time you will work with Codeless Platform web tools and when you need to write the code, you can switch to your favorite IDE and do the coding and debugging there. All code you will write is UI agnostic. That means that when the implementation library changes you do not need to change anything. This is achieved by using several design Patterns in Codeless Platform.
With Codeless Platform you don’t write any code for simple forms. By Simple form, we mean a form with or without M2O or O2O relations and master detail forms with child forms (O2M relations) including custom filtering of data. In the majority of business applications this is more than half of all forms.
Productivity does not sacrifice functionality or “good looking”. Even without any coding you will get beautiful, responsive modern forms with a set of functionalities that beats traditionally hand coded business forms. You can easily customize the look and feel of your forms and change behavior completely, you are not limited in any way.
Pluggable business logic and custom services
In Codeless Platform you can easily write and plugin business logic that will be executed in the same transaction with persistence actions. This will allow you to roll back a complete transaction if something is not correct in your business logic. The alternative way to write your own business logic is to write a new Service. Your service will be as technology agnostic as all other parts of the system. Calling the service will be the same for client-side and server-side technologies.
Discover more in Design Patterns
You can translate any visible text based item in the Platform from labels in forms, text in drop-down lists, headers, windows caption, menu items etc. The Translation tool is available with a single click in all places exactly where you need it, from Form Designer to Menu Administrator. The platform will automatically recognize what needs to be translated, you just need to enter translation strings. When you save translations, you can enjoy results instantly without the need to recompile, redeploy, copy any property file or restart your server.
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