CodeLess Platform Quick Start Tutorial
CodeLess Platform Trial Version is completely functional for 14 days. It can be locally installed for a single user.
No credit card required.
1. Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later
Download here: or use another vendor.
2. Maven 3.6 or later
Download here:
3. Internet connection
The installation will access remote repositories (maven central).
4. localhost 8083 port available
Make sure that port 8083 is available as the server will use it during installation.
Codeless Platform does not require any particular IDE
You can use and develop in any IDE you like. The platform basically needs only Java and Maven. We will demonstrate here how to use it with Eclipse IDE as it’s the most used IDE for Java.
Codeless Platform does not require any particular OS
We will demonstrate how to use it on Windows as it’s the most used OS. If you need to adopt an installation script to your OS it should be easy as the only commands used in the script are mvn (calling maven) and cd (change directory).
Demo version notes:
- The Codeless Platform demo version works with the H2 database only.
- The trial period is valid for 14 days
Please read the Software License first
Once you have the project downloaded, unzip the file somewhere, for instance your home directory. In our example we will unzip it in D:\CODELESS\demo directory.
Start install.bat file by double-click or open command prompt on current directory and type: install.bat
The script will start the installation process that will take 1-10 minutes depending on your local maven repository. When the process is finished, you will see the following:
Open URL: localhost:8083/CodelessPlatform in your browser:
Enter your email and two absolute paths:
Resource path is the path where all resources will be stored. That includes form HTML and CSS templates, images, report templates etc.
The workspace path is the path of the Eclipse workspace. Look where you unzipped files and point to workspace absolute path.
In our example Demo setup looks like this:
Click “Setup” and wait a couple of minutes until you see login screen:
Login with the following:
user name: demo
password: demo
You can now stop the server in your command prompt by pressing CTRL+C or close the command prompt.
IDE setup
Take a look at the location where you unzipped files:
Open Eclipse IDE and open existing workspace path inside extracted directory:
When opened, click on the link “Import projects..” and select “Existing Maven Projects”:
Select “Constants”:
Click “Finish” and inspect the result:
Next, import the existing Maven project “Resource”
The result should look like the following:
Now we will import the platform starter project. Select “Codeless Platform”:
The project should be imported like the other two Maven projects. If Eclipse reports an error like on the following screen, do not worry it’s a known Eclipse m2e plugin issue that you can safely ignore.
Click on Cancel, and go to Windows/Preferences. Open Maven Errors/Warnings settings, and change “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration” to Ignore or Warning:
Now that everything compiles well, we can create run configuration that will start the platform. Select Debug/Debug configurations…
Create Maven Build debug configuration like the following:
Click “Debug” and inspect the result. The Tomcat 9.x Embedded server should be started on port 8083 like on the following screen.
Note: If you want to use some other port, you can change it in CodelessPlatform pom.xml:
Open your browser on the location: localhost:8083/CodelessPlatform
Stop the server and create new Maven Build tasks that you can use to rebuild all projects:
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