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Bring Idea into Life
with No Limits

Easily build modern web applications with highly flexible Visual Tools 


CodeLess Platform Tools

Model Administrator

Model Administrator

Create Models with Entities and Entity Properties
Define unique constraints
Auto-create reverse relations
Generate JPA Entities from Models.
Real-time overview of Forms affected by Model changes
Real-time preview of DDL Statements for DB synchronization

Learn more about Model Administrator

Database Synchronization

Database Synchronization

View the state of each database connection
Generate create DDL statements for an empty database
Execute create DDL statements
Generate DDL statement per database type for each Model change
Update databases with generated DDL statements
Review the history of database updates

Learn more about Database Synchronization

Form Designer

Form Designer

Design forms using wizards, drag & drop and property editors
Write custom html and CSS
Create different types of views of the same data
Build complex parent-child forms with no codding
Live preview
Configure field level security, custom business logic and custom controllers
Configure header, toolbar, sorting, filtering, hierarchy and reordable tables.
Configure validation, formatting and events

Learn more about Form Designer

Security Administration

Security Administration

Applications are secured by default from client side attacks
Form, View and Field level security
Permissions are grouped in Roles
User can have multiple Roles
Protect visibility of tab sheets, accordion panels or any view on form
Password field protection with BCRYPT encryption library.

Learn more about Security Administration

Reporting Tool

Reporting Tool

Create Reports from custom HQL (JPQL)
Define Report columns and filters
Reports with grid and gallery views
Define mandatory filters
Custom toolbars
Providing data to Jasper reports

Learn more about Reporting Tool

Setup Configuration

Setup Configuration

Create Setup that can start platform on an empty database
Auto-create create DDL statements for all supported database types
Export application with meta forms, application forms, menus and resources
Import application from exported zip.
Export data from one type of database and import it to another
All exported data is in technology and database agnostic formats

Learn more about Setup Configuration Tool

Learn How to use CodeLess Platform Tools
in PetClinic Tutorial

Build complete Pet Clinic application in 10 steps without coding in less than an hour

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